Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So I Was At the Bookstore the Other Day...

...and I found a nice little handful of books that I'd like to post here in case you're looking for a little something to kill a little bit of time or if you're looking for a gift for someone.

Piano & Keyboard Chords - I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano. I taught myself how to play a couple other instruments so this might help me reach my goal. But it's got a chord per page and it's got big pictures. And we all know how I LOVE big pictures right? Right? Click pic for more.

Barguements - Unfortunately, I can't find anything on this book. The book's website server sucks and won't respond and even though I found this at Borders, they don't even know they have this book. But whatever. Basically, it's a book of questions that will lead you and your friends to a discussion of this or that but nothing too complicated to talk about after three beers. The only question I can remember is "You cell phone has to lose one feature: Voicemail or Caller ID." Stuff like that can really lead to major discussions when you're buzzin'.

Murder At Wayne Manor - For you Batman fans out there here's a little interactive mystery. It has to do with a dead body found at Wayne Manor, but it's been there for 30 years. So everyone points the finger at Bruce Wayne's father. So it's up to you and Bruce to solve the mystery. Bonus: it comes with the clues so you can fuck with them. :) Click pic for more.

My Custom Van…And 50 Other Mind-Blowing Essays That Will Blow Your Mind All Over Your Face - I can't say anything bad about Michael Ian Black. Hima dn I have the same sense of humor but he's famous and I'm not. I laughed my ass off yesterday reading this book for just five minutes. Totally worth every penny. Click pic for more.

Buy these books!

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