Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Horrible: Back To The Future II Marty McFly Hyperdunks Coming Next Month, No Word On Hoverboard

In a move that makes Nike infinitely cooler in my eyes, the company had decided to release a model similar to those seen in Back to the Future II.

Of course I'll never buy them, but at least they're trying. Unfortunately the Marty McFly Hyperdunks have laces and don't vacuum-fit to your feet. So the similarities basically end at looking kind of like the ones in the movie. They do sport "Flywire technology" though, which doesn't mean anything really except they're allegedly lightweight. Available later this month (July) for an undisclosed amount of future money, I'll most certainly be passing. I'm about to install the Flux Capacitor I got in the mail yesterday so I'll just travel to the future and snag the real thing.

UPDATE: Just went for my first spin into the future.
Bad news: There are no cool shoes in the future, only killer robots.
Good news: I called it, pay up!

Here's the movie shoe in action.

Click pic for more.

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