Friday, October 31, 2008

THIS. Is. The. Best. Pumpkin. Carving. EVER.

Ray Villafane, a sculptor for DC Comics, won Sunday night on the Food Network’s Pumpkin Carving Challenge. This is seriously ridiculous. Click pic for more.


Click pic for bigger.

The Squishy Shot Glass Set

Be prepared to celebrate anywhere, anytime with the Squishy Shot Glass Set ($9). This set of two food-grade silicone glasses is designed to let you smash the cups down for easy transport, making them possibly the greatest flask accessory of all time. Click pic for more.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

LMAO: Lego Execution

Click pic for bigger.

Oh Yes...There Will Be Blood

So I Made A Fan Video A Few Months Back...

...that some of you might actually remember. It's by a band called Stroke and it's a pretty old song. But I really like it quite a bit and found a video that would go great with it. Well, singer Jason Kelly's girlfriend has sent me a message saying he's seen the video and was impressed and included a link to his new single which has been getting uploaded here and there within the last 24 hours or so.

If anyone out there has more info, please pass it my way.

Here's the video I put together for "Internal Call"

And here's the beautiful video for (what I can only assume is the title) "U So Daze" by "Kealer"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Mixtape!!! 10/24/2008

This week: Klaxons, The Octopus Project, Cranes, Dakotafish, Superdrag, Interpol and more. Enjoy the weekend!

Mixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Mixtape!!! 10/17/2008

YAY! So friggin' excited it's Friday! This week: Depeche Mode, Modest Mouse, Kennedy, Electric Six, Masta Ace, The Shout Out Louds, and more! Enjoy, be safe.

Mixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Saturday, October 18, 2008

You Suck At Photoshop #19

BEAUTIFUL: New Video For Friendly Fires' "Paris"

I absolutely love this song. Probably one of my favorites of the year, but apparently I was a little late. The original video was uploaded to YouTube November of last year. But their album just came out a couple months ago and now "Paris" got re-vamped.

So here it is in all its kaleidoscopic beauty.

And here's the original in all its slow-motion beauty.

Closing The Door Means One Of Two Things

Fantastic: The Tree Man

"Restless" by Langhorne Slim

Anybody Can Be Cool

What Cute Little Ghosts

"I Saw the Bright Shinies" by The Octopus Project

These Cute Little Tasmanian Devils Will Eat You Alive

Disney Is Run By Morons

Just when you thought it was safe to celebrate Orlando Bloom's absence from a fourth "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, Disney bosses want Zac Efron to replace Johnny Depp as the franchise's star. Click pic. Yeah I could've posted a funny looking picture, but I think the shirtless one of him kissing another boy was a better choice.

Better Than The Last Hulk Movie: The Hulk Cartoon Theme Song

KFC Wants You To Eat Your Dollar

The Best/Most Boring Knife Fight EVER

Friday, October 17, 2008

Do This 'Odd' Survey And Post It On Your Social Crap Page

I'm not big on those survey/quiz things that people post on their MySpace bulletins since they're just a waste of time and there's never anything you really want to know about people in them, but every now and again, there's one worth filling out. So here's mine. Now do it and then learn about your friends.

"50 ODD thing​s about​ you! Learn​ 50 thing​s about​ your frien​ds,​​​​​ and let them learn​ 50 thing​s about​ you!"

1) Favor​ite objec​t in your room?​​​​​
My laptop.

2) Have you ever smoke​d heroi​n?​​
Umm. No.

3) Do you own guns?​​​​​
I wish I did.

4) What flavo​r do you add to your drink​ at sonic​?​​​​
I've only been once, and I didn't bother with that shit. I just had to have a burger.

5) Do you get nervo​us befor​e docto​r appoi​ntmen​ts?​​​​
No. Why not? Because I don't have medical, so I don't go.

6) What do you think​ of hot dogs?​​​​
They're pretty fucking good.

7) Favor​ite song?​​​​
There's a lot.

8) What do you prefe​r to drink​ in the morni​ng?​​​​​

9) Can you do push ups?

10) Can you do a chin up?

11) What'​​​​s your favor​ite piece​ of jewel​ery?​​​​
Probably my watch. But's it's not going to even come close to my new one.

12) Do you like blue chees​e?​​​​​

13) Have you ever been in a car accid​ent?​​​​​
Yeah. I don't really enjoy car accidents.

14) How many times​ have you been in love?​​​​​
Hmm. Just a handful of times. And I'd say maybe one or two...I probably really wasn't.

15) And what happe​ned?​​​​​
Umm. You mean, what happened with the people I thought I loved? I didn't.

16) Middl​e name?​​​​​
I don't actually have one.

18) Name 3 thing​s you bough​t today​?​​​​​
Toilet paper, paper towels, and a can of Squirt.

19) Name 3 drink​s you drink​ regul​arly?​​​​
Water, vodka, soda.

20) Curre​nt worry​?​​​​

21) Curre​nt hate right​ now?
The fact that I'm not making over $60,000 a year.

23) How did you bring​ in the New Year?​​​​​
Being drunk.

24) Where​ would​ you like to be right​ now?
At a place where you need a lot of money to be in.

25) Name three​ peopl​e who will compl​ete this:​​​​
1) Umm
2) No
3) Clue

26) Do you own slipp​ers?​​​​

27) What shirt​ are you weari​ng?​​​​​
My Paul Frank studio equipment shirt.

28) Do you like sleep​ing on satin​ sheet​s?​​​​​
Never have. Maybe one day I will.

29) Can you whist​le?​​​​​
Yeah. Not very well though.

31) Would​ you be a pirat​e?​​​​​
Nope. Rather be a ninja.

32)​ What songs​ do you sing in the showe​r?​​​​​
I don't.

33) Favor​ite girl'​​​​s name?​​​​
Don't really have one. Never thought about that actually.

34) Favor​ite Boy'​​​s name?​​​
Well, I plan on naming my son Noah. So I guess that'd have to be it.

35) what'​​​​s in your pocke​t?​​​​
Change and a receipt.

36) Last perso​n that made you laugh​?​​​​
I think Cliff.

37) Best bed sheet​s as a child​?​​​​
Probably He-man or some shit.

39) Do you like where​ you live?​​​

40) How many TVs do you have in your house​?​​​​​

41) Who is your loude​st frien​d?​​​​
I don't really have any loud friends.

42) How many dogs do you have?​​​​​
One. My lil' Ms. Bongers.

43) Does someo​ne have a crush​ on you?

What happe​ned to 44 and 45?​?​
Good question.

46) What is your favor​ite candy​?​​​​
Reeses Pieces. OM NOM NOM NOM

47) Favor​ite Sport​s Team?​​​​​
Hmm. Well, I'll have to go with the Angels and the Patriots.

48) Where​ is the next place​ you want to trave​l?​​​
Anywhere but here.

49) What were you doing​ 12 AM last night​?​​​​​
Posting the Weekend Mixtape!

50) What was the first​ thing​ you thoug​ht of when you woke up?
Shit. I'm three minutes late.

AWESOME: Sweet Lady Sings On A Table

But not for long. - Watch more free videos

Will Ferrell To Hit Broadway Next Year. As George Bush.

Will Ferrell is heading to the Great White Way in January in the new one-person comedy, “You’re Welcome America. A Final Night With George W Bush." Click pic for more.

Happy Belated Birthday, Flea!

Thursday was Red Hot Chili Peppers' Flea's birthday. Here's some dat bassy goodness.

And here's some live awesomeness. "Californication"

McCain's Thoughts During The Final Debate

On February 17th You're Going To Need To Convert Your Analog TV Signal To A Digital One. Here's How.

LMAO: The WORST Rollerblade Trick In The World

Rollerblader Falls Off Wall - Watch more free videos

Literal Music Video: Head Of Heels by Tears For Fears

This is another literal music video by the guy who did the A-Ha "Take On Me" one. The same one that I didn't find that funny and didn't post. But if you want to see it, click HERE.

Katy Perry Likes Cake

So Katy's perfoming at the Mexican version of the MTV Music Awards for whatever ungodly reason and at the end of her performance, decides to jump on this giant cake in front of her. Needless to say, she looked retarded eating shit so many times in a row. But it's okay. I still like her. And you should to. Not for that horrible music of course.

David Duchovny and Tea Leoni Are Getting Divorced. Why? Billy Bob Thornton. Wait, What?!

So recently David went into rehab because he's a sex addict and you'd figure him and his wife Tea would get a divorce ove it. But no. They ARE getting divorced, but because Tea has apparently been having an affair with Billy Bob. Really? How nasty is that? Do you KNOW the women he's been with? Why does this keep happening to him? Does he drink a special tea or something? WTF? Click pic for more.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Adam From Mythbusters Shows You how Not To Sober Up. On A Treadmill. In Slow-Motion.

Click pic.

Yay! Don Cheadle Replaces Terrence Howard In 'Iron Man 2'

'Crash' sucked by the way. So suck it Terrence. Click pic.

WANT!: The Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt

Yeah, A bacon burger with grilled-cheese buns. Click pic.

Never Hold A Dove This Tightly

The Ghetto Mona Lisa Don't Take Shit From No One

Damn, Nurse.

Click pic for bigger.

Little People In The City

Living in a large city can be overwhelming — people can often feel lost amongst so many, and this feeling is perfectly conveyed in the brilliant photography of Little People in the City ($18).

This hardcover tome represents a collection of photographs from street artist Slinkachu, who for the last several years has photographed and then left tiny hand-painted figurines all around London — and has chronicled his work in a terrific blog. A perfect book for your coffee table. Click HERE for the blog. Click here for more about the book.

I'm Working For Google Maps Now, It's Over

Click pic for bigger.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Mixtape!!! 10/10/2008

Has there ever been such a long week? This week: Love Is a Burning Thing, Suzanne Vega, (something great from) Hefner (that's the "unknown-untitled" one), Kanye West, Cracker, and Material Issue. Have a great weekend everyone! Be safe!

Mixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

The Coolest Animated Video You'll See All Day

"I Love Death" by Lodger

The Best Video You'll See All Day, Featuring A Heart

"Who's Gonna Save My Soul" by Gnarls Barkley

I'd Love To Eat Here

This is an advert for Bursa Kebab. And just because of this, if I'm in the San Francisco area, I'm going there. With a date. Click pic for more on the restaurant.

My Girl Loves Cheesecake

"Cheesecake" by Louis Armstrong

WTF Is Going On In Dubai?!?!?!

This place is going to be the best place in the universe. Click pic.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What's Funny Here, See, Is That He Knows It's Coming

Oh, kids on bikes.

Little Kid on Bike Rides Into Pole - Watch more free videos

Who Wants Man Boobs???

"He Bite Me In My Vagina"

Thinking Chihuahua wonders why he's never attacked a BAgina before, or if he could even get away with it.

La Pequena Hillary Clinton Is Upset About How The Presidential Race Went For Her

Kurt Cobain Is Sorry For Ripping Off Your Song

Killing Joke's Jaz Coleman makes an eerie discovery: A 1987 Christmas card from Kurt Cobain. In it Kurt apologizes in advance for ripping off Killing Joke's "Eighties" and turning it into "Come as You Are." See the story HERE.

Here's "Come As You Are"

Here's "Eighties"

This Is Called Having Too Much On Your Mind

Moron Lets Car Roll Away At Pump - Watch more free videos

Friday, October 10, 2008

Portal: Prelude - The Cake Is ALIVE!

Portal: Prelude is up! Download it now! Expect slow download times! I've got an hour forty-five to go. Click pic to download.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

LMAO: Here's Video Of A Narcoleptic Dog

LMAO. If you laugh at ALL during this video, you're going to hell.

LMAO: You Fell Asleep Watching A DVD

This has happened to me WAY too many times. You're up, doing whatever the hell with a dvd on, and you pass the fuck out. You wake up 4 hours later to find THIS. Quite clever, quite clever. Click pic.

Here's A Baby-Kicking Grandma

Probably Better Heard And Not Seen

Here's a fantastic track I came across today. Sadly, the image is ruined for me. Why? 'Cause that person you see jumping around...yeah that's a woman. They should've made a full video for this instead of this studio thing. But either way, the song's a booty-shaker.

"Dancer On a Chair" by Love Is a Burning Thing

Let's Play The Parents Game!!!

2 Year-Old Accidentally Shoots Dad

I'd LOVE to know why this happened. If it's real of course.

Millionaire: Worst Phone-A-Friend EVER

This is what happens when you call someone that has a slow internet connection while looking up the answer for you.

Hey Why Not, Weird Al Parodies T.I.'s 'Whatever You Like'

Click pic.

The Most Dangerous People In The World Comsume Drinks With Bullets In Them

Have the most gangsta drinks at your next party, with these ice cubes shaped like AK-47 bullets. Each AK Ice Tray ($13) magazine produces 12 bullet shaped pieces. There's really no way that absolutely everyone present won't find this amazingly awesome. Seriously, no chance whatsoever.

Smashing Pumpkins: The Documentary & Guitar Hero 4

So the Pumpkins are releasing a documentary soon and if it were for the video postcards below, I probably wouldn't be interested. But good job, 'cause now I am. Also below is Billy Corgan in a behind-the-scenes video of him in Guitar Hero 4.

Guitar Hero: world Tour is available October 27th and the Smashing Pumpkins DVD, If All Goes Wrong, is available November 11th.

Video Postcard #1

Video Postcard #2


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You Suck At Photoshop #18

I will have to say...this guy's voice is sounding rather familiar.

This Video Is Too Cute To Be A Fan Video

"Didn't We Have Fun" by The Dora Steins

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend Mixtape!!! 10/3/2008

Hey folks, so here were are again. Another weekend. This one came quicker than USALLY. Anyway, this week's tape: Kanye West vs. MGMT, Handsome Boy Modeling School, The Manchester Orchestra, Vampire Weekend, The Smiths, and Phoenix. Be safe!

Mixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Holy Shit!: Little Mac Returns For 'Punch-Out' On The Nintendo Wii?!

This has "FUCKING AWESOME" written all over it. Ever since I played Mike Tyson's Punch Out when I was a kid, I wished that I could be in the ring beating the crap out of all those jerks...and now, it can almost feel like it.

Here's the original, Little Mac vs. Glass Joe:

And now...

The Ukulele Orchestra Of Great Britain Performs The Theme From 'Shaft'

You damn right.

You Are Going To Want To Dance Like This With Everyone

This song is going to get stuck in your head and you're going to want to dance just like these guys with your friends, family, and pets.

"C'est La Vie" by Martin Solveig. Click pic.

Awesome: A Big Wheel Race Down Lombard Street In San Francisco

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Ladybug And The Spider

LikeBetter Will Tell You Something About Yourself Most People Can't

LikeBetter is a site you can go to that'll let you know personal things about yourself just based on the pictures you prefer. Yeah, you know you want to try it out. Click pic to jump. And remember, when the brain turns pink, it knows something.

Some Of The Most Amazing Slow-Motion You'll See For The Rest Of The Year

Ever See Anyone Roll Down An Escalator?

You have now.

Hilarious Tumble Down Escalator Stairs - Watch more free videos

This, Is A Woman Parking. Yeah, You Know Where This Is Going.

Wait for it...waaaaaaaait for iiiiiiiiit.

Worst Parallel Parking Attempt Ever - Watch more free videos

Heh Heh, If You're Going To Break A Coconut Smashing World Record On Live TV...

...make sure you can at least smash one.

How Not To Break A World Record - Watch more free videos

Check Out This Cool Ironing Man T-Shirt. Yes, I Said Ironing.

This shirt should only make you realize, it doesn't matter who you are, wrinkled pants are unacceptable. Click pic.

The Weirdest Video You'll Want To Dance To All Weekend

"Shempi" by RATATAT

The Top 10 Ways To Stay Energized

Click pic for the info.

Slow-Motion Firepower

Something For Your Favorite Bartender

If you're opening beer after beer after beer, why not use something sleek like the Blomus Bottle Opener ($12). Featuring single-piece, German engineered stainless steel construction, an ergonomically-designed handle, and squared curves, it's as beautiful as it is functional. Click pic.

Friday, October 3, 2008

MySpace Is A Little Slow

So, MySpace just posted Radiohead's new video for "Reckoner" that is "available only on MySpace" (just check your homepage). That's funny. Because I posted that video nearly 2 months ago. (Although it was of a lower quality.) So here it is, in BETTER quality.

"Reckoner" by Radiohead

Radiohead - Reckoner - by Clement Picon

YAY! Finally, A New Tales Of Mere Existence: "A Postion Of Power"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

From Derrick Comedy Comes 'The Mystery Team'

I'm a fan of Derrick Comedy but haven't seen too much of their funny shorts that they post every now and again. That's because they've been working on a movie! The Mystery Team.

I must say though, I'm a little disappointed with this. It doesn't look as funny as their other stuff. Which I posted riiiiight about here:



And my personal favorite, Spelling Bee

Happy 57th Birthday Sting

Sting of tantric, solo, and Police fame turns 57 today. In celebration here's "Wrapped Around Your Finger" by The Police.

Quit Bitching!