Friday, August 31, 2007

Britney Spears' New Music is Some of the Best Music* I've Ever Heard

(*Substitute "Best Music" with "Worst Shit")

Oh Britney. When will it stop? The sad thing is that she's writing for all the girls that dug her back when that have grown up along side her. What she's not realizing is that those people were little girls that only like shitty music bacause they were little girls and don't know any better. Just like all the little girls that are going to hear this new shit that came out of the stupid fans that Britney still thinks she has.

*Not real penises.

Here's some samples of her brilliance. (Click the titles to stream music):

Cold as Fire
"Cold as fire, Baby. Hot as ice" - Seriously? Are you seriously trying to pass this shit off?

Gimme More
"I'm Britney, bitch." - Whoa there. Sorry bitch, no, you're not Britney cause I remember Britney. You're just white whore trash now.

I wish I had a fucking twinkie for every time I heard her voice so I could throw it in her silly, nicotine covered, chimpmunk-voiced, boozed-up slurring, cock-welcoming mouth. One day she's going to open that mouth and a bunch of semen and dog shit is going to come flowing out. And I'll be there with a bucket. Collecting it all so eager fans can buy it from me off Ebay.

Have a nice weekend :)

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