Tuesday, August 14, 2007

10 Songs That Better Be On Guitar Hero III

So I just recently jumped on the Guitar Hero bandwagon and the third installment is coming out soon. Here's a list of songs (with evidence) that I feel should be or should have been in the Guitar Hero Series.

1) "Right Here In My Arms" - HIM
Why this song hasn't already been included, I don't know. So simple and rocking. This should definitely be one of the first tracks.

2) "Forty Six & 2" - Tool
A killer, hypnotizing riff drives this song. Good structure too. Very strong. Here's a video that explains the "shadow." After watching this video I have a completely different understanding of this song. This would be a good one for co-op bass & guitar.

3) "You Give Love a Bad Name" - Bon Jovi
How can playing the shit out of that little guitar to THIS song NOT kick ass??? Just don't prance around like the silly assholes Bon Jovi is made up of.

4) "A Favor House Atlantic" - Coheed and Cambria
Although I'm completely against this band, I have to admit all the little melodies and riffs in this song would be pretty awesome to slam out. I wouldn't dare play it too loud though 'cause I'll be damned if I replace all the windows in my apartment due to the ear-bleeding damage of this goofy-ass' voice.

5) "Warped" - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Although, this probably wasn't the most favorite part of their career, Dave Navarro gave them quite a bit of rock in this track with a great riff. Another song that'll probably be great in co-op. And after the final pretty notes, you and your buddy can put the guitars down and make out.

6) "Hotel California" - The Eagles
I'd play this long-ass song just to play the solo.

7) "Newborn" - Muse
If you argue with this, especially the solo...fuck you. And if you think this song sucks, I have just three words for you: "Yes We Can."

8) "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen
The only problem there really is with this song is that you'd have to play the piano part for half the song, but the rest of it totally makes up for it.

9) "Tribute" - Tenacious D
Does anyone really need to ask why? Here's one reason: fun. Here's another reason: eat it.

And finally...

10) "One" - Metallica
I really hated Metallica when I was younger. In fact, I still do. Yeah, they kick ass. Yeah, they rock. Yeah, they...play instruments. Whatever, What I DO care about though...is this. One. This is seriously in need of being in the top 3 most fucking awesomely rocking songs ever. Is there a list of that title yet? I think I'd actually sport a James Hetfield wig. Shiiiit. I'd even sport a stylish Lars Ulrich one too.

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