Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family Holidays Are Ruined By This Year's Easter, the Earliest In 90 Years

Easter's date is determined by the spring equinox - the point in the year when the day and night are of equal length. If the full moon after the equinox is on a Sunday, then Easter is on the following Sunday. The formula was decided after much controversy among early Christians in 325. The festival cannot fall earlier than 22 March or later than 25 April.

It may look daunting to non-mathematicians but the fiendishly complex formula used to work out when Easter actually falls is:

((19*t+u-w-(u-(u+8)\25)+1)\3)+15)mod30)+(32+2*x+2*y-(19*t+u-w- (u-(u+8)\25)+1)\3)+15)mod30)-z)mod7)-7*(t+11*(19*t+u-w(u- (u+8)\25)+1)\3)+15)mod30)+22*(32+2*x+2*y-(19*t+u-w-(u- (u+8)\25)+1)\3)+15)mod30)-g)mod7)+114)\31

Makes sense, right? Click pic for the story.

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